It’s hard being me. I vacillate between feeling like
a) the bralessblog is for me
b) bralessblog is for the readers
c) it’s for nobody because we only got like 641k page views last month
d) all the the traffic actually costs me money because it blows my interwebz up and I don’t make any money anyway
(C) above is sort of tongue-in-cheek. 641k pv in a month is kind of getting up there. And all from such humble beginnings. As it turns out, hot chicks with nearly visible boobies are very popular. Also, I’m quite witting and charming. Lots of people come here for the writing. Really. I’m not kidding.
Do I get any credit? Naw. Does NPR call and do a story on me? Nope. Is it fame, riches, fortune. Hell no. Well, at the end of the day, at least I don’t have to wear a damn bra. I’m a guy, in case you were wondering. If you didn’t know that, I guess the irony and the semi-joke would be lost.
Oh well, for the rest of you, here is your damn photo. I don’t know who she is, and I don’t care. You don’t either, except to the extent that you may think she is so smoking hot you want to see more photos of her, or maybe a movie where she is eating a lil ice cream cone on a hot summer day sitting in a Mercedes with the cream dripping down her cleavage and a big smile that suggests she looooves licking things.
Ps – too bad, I’m not feeling that generous.