Unlike a normal person, when I saw Meghan Markle getting hitched to Prince Harry the other day, I thought… she has nice boobies.
I immediately set about looking for yummy photos of her cleavage. Let’s not give me too much credit – when I say immediately, that pretty much means whenever I get around to it.
As it turns out, before Meghan was a princess, she was not shy about flashing those boobs around.
I would estimate she is a pretty solid B-cup. Certainly all-natural, not enhanced.
Meghan has flawless skin and a fabulous smile, but it’s her body that attracts my attention. She’s on the skinny side, so deep cleaving and heaving bosoms are probably not gonna be part of the deal. But she has enough to work with.
She tends to exercise to stay fit. She’s 36 years old, and fit can turn to flab if you’re not careful at that age. Hard to attract the attention of the royal testosterone if you’re pudgy.
So that means she has a butt too. Her dad is very European, and her mom is African American, so she has quite the exotic flava and some potential for badonkadonk.
I’m sure errrbody would love to see Meghan Markle nude, but I reckon we would have to settle for topless. Yep, I’ve seen the clip which appears to be shot on a beach with some kind of hidden camera that Meghan later discovers. And yep, those nipples are yummy.
It seems like she is much less racy with her photo shoots and her come-hither looks after the period of time where she met the prince. I guess she figured she better tone it down a little, or she might be found unfit for the royal family?
She even deleted her social media accounts. That actually cracks me up. She had 1.9 million Instagram followers.
Someone from the British Monarchy probably sat her down with a bright light in her face and vicious dogs barking in the background and said “Keep your boobies in your shirt. Cut out all the blogging and social media nonsense. We are watching you.â€
That’s a real shame, because her body makes me hungry.
I’d kinda like to see her crawling on the floor in some heels and a satin neglige with her boobs dangling and wobbling a little bit and a devious gleam in her eye. Do you think maybe that will happen at her next bachelorette party?
I was sort of hoping Meghan would have some hot siblings who were less likely to be intimidated and more willing to carry on the braless tradition. Unfortunately, her half-sister Samantha Grant is not really all that hot, and not terribly inclined to parading around in various states of undress to titillate Continue reading →